Thursday, October 15, 2009

Speed sets and yoga

Wednesdays are always hard to fit in a real run. I have class starting at 9:30am and don't wrap until about 6pm and my breaks in between classes are not quite long enough to run in. Therefore, when I finally got home last night at 7pm, the idea of going for a 5 mile run sounded pretty attrocious. Instead: speed sets! They aren't too time consuming but are really good for leg strengthening. It's basically a minute and a half at jogging pace (5.2) and then a minute and a half at a run (5.9). Then back to 5.2 for a minute and a half, then up to 6.0 for a minute and a half. It keeps going back and forth from jog to run and the run goes up .1 in speed every set, for seven sets, which ends up being 2 miles. I find that it goes pretty quick because you spend so much time concentrating on the time and changing speeds that it's over before you know it. Definitely a good way to squeeze in a good workout in 21 minutes when I don't feel like doing anything at all.

At least my legs felt better on this run. Finally recovered, just in time for my trip back to New York tomorrow!! Unfortunately, the weather there is pretty indicative of the end of the world. I bring bad weather with me, wherever I go. Hurricanes, snow storms, rainy summers. I apologize. Tomorrow, my mom and I have planned to go on a 11 mile run together, however the weather may dampen that a bit. It's supposed to be about 40 degrees and rainy so it may turn into just a 5 or 6 mile run. Apparently there is a 5.8 mile trail loop that she runs a lot so we'll test that out. Hopefully it's not too terrible outside! I plan on layering!!

Tonight I have my yoga class but it is a different teacher for the evening, so that should be an interesting change! I love my teacher, but I suppose that it's a good thing to change it up a bit. In fact, if I can find an early morning yoga class in NYC on Saturday morning, maybe I'll try to get out to that. I already have tons and tons of stuff that I have to bring with me but pair of Lululemon crops and a tank doesn't take up too much room! (Oh my, and I get to go to the Lululemon store in NYC and they are opening a store in Nashville on October 30th. So excited!) There are so many wonderful studios in Manhattan. I'll start searching tonight! Hopefully my flight will be on time tomorrow because I have so much to do and see and eat.

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