Wednesday, October 7, 2009


So, the morning run did not go as I’d hoped. Even though I was in bed by 11:30pm, I flipped and flopped in bed for another 3 hours so I decided to put it off to catch a few more hours. Sigh. I think that when I got into bed, I immediately started to worry about not being able to fall asleep in time plus worrying about a thousand other things. Dear brain, please shut down at 11pm. Thanks.

When I woke up and hopped out of bed this morning, I was shocked. Muscles I didn’t even know I have hurt! My butt, my thighs, inner shoulders, the outsides of my feet, even the muscles in between my ribs hurt. Granted, nothing is actually in pain, it’s just sore and achy, especially in the morning when I’m dragging myself out of bed. It’s probably a good thing because it means I’m working hard enough to be making myself stronger but yeesh, could I use a massage. I think I’m also a little dehydrated so hopefully my water guzzling will help. Plus, it’s my blog so please excuse me while I whine just a little bit!

Today is a 4 miler, but I may only be able to squeeze in about 3 because I have a softball game later tonight. I’ll try to sprint around the bases to make up for it. Theeeeeeen I have yoga tomorrow, 10 miles on Friday, 4 miles on Saturday, and maybe yoga too on Saturday. Sunday is finally a day off to rest. Eek. I’m thinking of doing my long run tomorrow and bumping the workouts up a bit so I will have more time to recover this weekend. Somehow in there, I also need to squeeze in a boat load of school work. I have a giant project due at the end of the month and am also going to be out of town next weekend (yay!!). I could probably learn to be more productive on the weekends for sure.

OK, so I have work to do, things to be read, and notes to be taken.

P.S. For breakfast tomorrow, I am meeting a friend for buttermilk pancakes and I'm already pretty darn excited. Plus side of all this exercise: stack of carbs and syrup. Mmmm.

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