Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Laziness, Acorn Squash and Taped Feet

Well, not running has certainly made me lazier about updating. I tend to do my updates after a run to document mileage and progress, but since I do my PT exercises throughout the day and yoga at night.... I get lazy. I'll work on it!

So physical therapy has been going pretty well so far. I try to make sure I do the exercises consistently and my therapist sees some improvement so far. I can now walk downstairs but up is still a little bit difficult. However, rolling my IT bands out feels much less tender now. It was really excruciating before, especially on the left side, so I'd have to do it in shorter sections.

Yesterday, she also taped up my feet to see if that helps with my knee pain (the point is to keep my arches from rolling in). I'm not sure if it helps but I like the pressure on my feet. The bottom of my right foot is super itchy though. I only have to leave them on until tonight, but if they are helpful, then orthotics may help keep my feet more stable.

They look a little silly, but I hope it helps!

I also have been cooking lots! I was in the mood for squash again, so I did a quick internet search and found a recipe for Stuffed Spicy Acorn Squash with Quinoa, Walnuts, and Dried Fruit. I was out of walnuts so I subbed pecans, and also added some raisins and an apple. It was so good! I suggested the quinoa mixture to my mom for Thanksgiving and I think that we are going to make it. Yum. I also made a white bean spinach soup out of my new vegetarian slow cooker book and oatmeal for the week. Anything to put off doing schoolwork!

It made for awesome leftovers too

Besides that, I have just been trying to get through some work. I have an exam due Thursday so I'm hoping to get through a lot of that tonight, before and after yoga. However, I'm going home to New York on Friday morning! Super excited for that. I can't believe how close finals are getting though. I really need to bring some work home with me, even though I definitely do not want to. Oh well. Only a few more weeks of this.

Back to work!

P.S. How fun does this look!? Country Music Half Marathon

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